Okay! You have antifreeze in the lines of your RV... Now how do you get it out so you can use it? Learn quickly below!
Step 1. Open up your low point drains, this will drain antifreeze ( I would preferably place a bucket under the low point drains to catch the antifreeze so it doesn't just drain on the ground!) Remember RV antifreeze is non toxic!
Step 2. Open up/ drain your water heater ( you should've bypassed the water heater when pumping antifreeze into your RV, but some people put some in there, so you just want to ensure that it is drained so we can fill it with water!
Step 3. Close Low point Drains, and close water heater.
Step 3. Hook up water to your city water connection.
Step 4. Starting Inside turn on the cold side to your kitchen sink faucet, initially you are going to see pink antifreeze pouring out, you want to let this run until you see clean water coming through. Now, shut off the cold side, and turn on the hot side. Repeat the process for the bathroom sink faucets, and shower faucets.
Step 5. Flush the Toilet until you no longer see antifreeze.
Step 6. Going outside, we want to flush out any outside showers, outside kitchen sinks, or water spray ports.
Step 7. Now your gray/black tanks are full with antifreeze/ water. We are going to need to get those drained out at a dump station!
Boom! Now you are all flushed out and ready to starting using your camper!
To see how to winterize your camper you can learn here. https://www.justinshanholtzer.com/post/how-to-winterize-your-rv-in-12-easy-steps